Monday, October 13, 2008

Walk'n in Memphis!

Sorry for not posting for a couple post when you have internet connectivity!

We started Saturday morning at the Grand Ole Opry museum.  Interesting to read about the history of the 'Opry' but I think I can definitively say we didn't know much (if anything) about the performers.  I think I was the only one who knew any of the 'older' performers by name.  Guess the kids need a little more 'culture'.

Then it was off to Memphis to visit the 'Andrea's'...hey if Landon (the 4 year old) can name us the 'Melinda's', I can name them the 'Andrea's'.

All the guys (let's just say they didn't smell too well...too much football in the back yard) piled in the van for a trip to downtown Memphis (via Mississippi?) !

We did go down to Mississippi (only a few miles down the road from Memphis).  They must have some kind of budget crisis because we still haven't seen the 'Welcome to Mississippi sign'.

The King is STILL alive...I'm telling you he IS:

And the ladies still swoon when they see the King....yeah, Riiiiiiiight.

Graceland at night...yes we had to at least say we saw Graceland.

The standard family picture in front of the state marker.

Joe H...I took this picture specifically for you!  The wall in front of Graceland is covered with graffiti.  

And yes, they do come from all around the world...a message from England:

Alan Jackson and Trace Atkins were at the FedEx Forum....if we'd only have known before...Ha

Went to church Sunday morning with Steven and Andrea.  We thoroughly enjoyed the service.

Here's a picture of the whole crew (taken by 'Grams').  Special thanks to the Allens (and Erika (14), Kendell (11), and Landon (4) for the wonderful time together and good night's rest.  Not to mention a new touring group...the Melinda's!  

After the awesome pork chops, it was on the road again to...Arkansas:

Until next time...


cloveragent said...

Seth - I like your blue shirt, but your facial expression...not so much??? Mrs. April

The Starlings said...

Oh wow love all the pics & the captions..It looks like you guys are having so much fun..We're so glad!..We're praying for ya & missing ya!..Love You Guys!

fulpfamily said...

WOW!! Ya'll seem to be having a great time. We miss you terribly...

You should have been at church Sunday...Darrell was hilarious leading the music.

Emma says: "tell Seth to bring me a rock from the Grand CAnyon for my rock collection."

love to you all!

Joe Howard said...

Very cool. I have three trip to Graceland under my belt. I think I will go back. I can't belive you didn't go in. I think Elvis lives upstairs (they won't let you go up there). That's my theory...either that or he is working at the Krispy Kreme.
Elvis is the king...with a little "k".
Hope you are having a good time.