Monday, October 20, 2008

Grand Canyon...Day2...The Ride Back.

We caught the bus back to the 'Grand Canyon Village' to grab some lunch (hot dogs) and wait to take the train back.  We did go over and check out the Bright Angel Trail.  Met a couple who had hiked down the South Kaibab Trail, spend two nights down at the bottom, hiked up to Indian Gardens (a campsite/ranger station about half way down the Bright Angel Trail), watched the sunset from Plateau Point, and hiked out Friday.  Sounds like a very nice week to me.  It took them about 3 hours to hike the last 5 miles.

We visited the Hopi House...


The El Tovar...


Ask me about the mistake on that building some time...

Then it was back on the train...


From the world famous Grand Canyon Depot...


We went through a little wash area where you could see both ends of the train at the same time.  That is always neat...


What!?...could those be train robbers out there?  The train didn't slow down to let them on did it?



Yes, they did and now they're on the train!


The train ride was a fun way to get to the Grand Canyon.  They took care of everything for us.  My only observation is they put the 'GRATUITY NOT INCLUDED'' on the tickets for a reason!  It was a very unique and enjoyable way to see the Grand Canyon.  There were comments made that in the next few years they are going to place restrictions on private auto/RV traffic going into the Grand Canyon.  The reason given was pollution control but I'm sure it will also benefit the Railway as a method to get to the park.  All-in-all, we thoroughly enjoyed riding the train.

1 comment:

fulpfamily said...

Ya'll have really gotten to do alot of stuff. That is great!

The pics of the mountains are gorgeous! Tell Melinda we are proud of her for going as far as she did into that "pit/abyss" whatever you call it!?!?!
I can't wait to hear her account of this whole trip!

We still miss ya'll... can't wait to see you soon.

LOVE to everyone!