Monday, October 13, 2008

Long Ride Today

Today was a long ride in the car...really long!

I also need to mention that we did see Union and Beale Streets in Memphis...along with the Peabody Hotel...see the ducks but we saw the hotel.  Beale Street looked like a happening place...really happening.

We started the morning about 30 miles from the Oklahoma border.  I drove in the morning so the kids could do some school work...sure they did!

It wasn't long until we were at the Oklahoma border...

We stopped at the Welcome Center to find out Oklahoma's claim to fame.  Let me sum it up in one word...Native American(s).  Seemed like every part of OK was some sort of Native American nation...with matching casinos.
The picnic areas are shaped like Teepees...

The Eastern part of OK was rolling hills.  I was surprised by how many little oil wells are still running in parts of OK.  Should have gotten a picture but alas...I didn't.  Maybe on the way back!

Seth started driving after lunch so he was driving as we went through Oklahoma City...

Notice the Sonic building in the front...I guess they're based in Oklahoma City.

A buffalo, the state animal...

All the hot air coming from Washington must make this wind farm operate...sorry for the rain drops...It's a bit hard to control the weather.  It downright chilly by this time.

Welcome to Texas...chilly and rainy...really chilly.

I'm sure some of you have seen the email about the huge cross in it is amazing:

Loved the marker for all the aborted babies...fits my sentiments exactly.  We didn't stay long because it was cold and rainy...and my jacket was in the suitcase...shorts and a T at 50 degrees...burrrr.

Another long day in the car tomorrow...Maybe I'll have something exciting to report...maybe not!


mbarrick said...

Piddly...messed up. ...didn't see the ducks but did see the hotel. It's getting late and I'm getting tired.

fulpfamily said...

Gotta love the Tee pees in OK!!!

Great pics of the crosd in TX.

I put your blog address in the church bulletin so alot of our "Senior Saints" are traveling with you now. D said that Cecil updated the deacons on your progress lastnight.
Ya'll are being prayed for daily. We can't wait to see all the pics when you return home.

Stay safe!

The Starlings said...

Wow I love the Tee pee picnic area too cool...The cross was so cool I would love to see that in person...I didn't know they had the place for aborted babies..That is so neat to know that they are being remembered!....Well I know you guys are having a blast...Keep having fun..We miss you lots & are praying for you!!..:BigHugz:

~Phillip & Crystal

Unknown said...

ok - I am officially jealous of all you guys are seeing and doing...but I still love you guys and I am glad you are having a safe and wonderful trip!

We miss you!